Friday 14 June 2013

Friday Night

There were days when you and i
J We smile J
When together holding hand..
We walked for miles..

There were days when you and i..
Waited for Friday Night..
Joy Happiness remained High..

There were time when you and i
 Shared our Craziness shared our Cry..
Together we enjoyed, we burst in Laughter millions of Times..
Life was on 7th sky…

and days are now 
Sad and Dull…. 
Blooming Flowers 
don’t Charm atall..

Green shinning Leaves appear Dry..
Sadness doesn't Leave how much I try…

What should I do for Happy Survive...
No… I don’t need "LOVE".. 
I want to Rebuild "LIFE" in my "LIFE"..


Shilpa Amarya